Minister of Music

The Minister of Music is tasked with leading the musical portions of the worship services of the congregation, working with the Senior Pastor in the overall planning and implementation of worship services. He/she will work towards creating an environment where the members and guests of our faith community will be challenged to engage in active worship of the Lord, and to know God more fully.

Facility Set-up Staff

The Set-up Staff helps to prepare the Church Campus rooms to be ready whenever they are scheduled. This involves moving tables, and chairs, and rearranging the room furnishings to accommodate events or meetings taking place in the room. Rooms include: the Sanctuary/Narthex Building, and also the educational and fellowship spaces such as Sunday School classes, meeting rooms, and Potter Event Center. The Courtyard space generally needs to be prepared (with umbrellas, tables for sign-ups, etc.) in advance of the Sunday worship services. In addition to setting up the Courtyard on Sunday mornings, “tear-down” of the umbrellas and other temporary tables/chairs needs to be done shortly after the close of the morning worship service.